Monday, December 15, 2008

The story so far

"After fighting the Great War, I need to rest. I will live here in my rural house, near Prusstonia City. I will fly my glorious Fokker only for the purpose of slow, calm pleasure flights around the beautiful surrounding countryside."

These were the words of the pluri-decorated World War I fighter pilot Clyde Cleveland, before he retired into his home to live a peaceful life.
What he calls the 'Great War' is better known as the 'Not-so-big War' of 1921. In fact, compared to World War I, the War that Clyde talks about is not so big. Anyway, what was I talking about?...
Clyde is old now, his aerial fights are only a distant memory now. But things are about to change...


  1. La cosa Promette bene! Una bella storia...speriamo il gioco vada di pari passo! ;)
    Un bel titolo, anche...!
    bel nome x un gioco d guerra...suona nuovo! fresh! e semplice...cosa da nn poco!

  2. Grazie man! Vedrai che il gioco volerà alto!

    Thanks man! You'll see that the game will fly high!
