Sunday, February 1, 2009

Clyde will (maybe) look like this

I just thought I'll share some concept art for Clyde. The line drawing was made by a friend, the top-class illustrator Bernadette Moens.

Her design was good but the style was too descriptive and rough, so I tried to simplify it (coloured versions are mine).

We're still in the concept phase! I won't guarantee that he will look like this in the end!


  1. Why is the guy so old? He looks like he would shatter and fall apart trying to fly a plane! (Or is that a secret LocoRoco-style gameplay element?)

  2. Dear JXs48boQkOeD9ZPU9oRNY7gxBg1a, he is so old because he's an old veteran.
    As I said in the post, it's not to be considered the final rendition of the character. Anyway yes, he's old.

  3. You should throw some moving clouds in there. :)
    (I couldn't post this at the next post. :S)
    (Also, I have no idea why my name appears as JXs48boQkOeD9ZPU9oRNY7gxBg1a. Stupid OpenID.)

  4. I'll answer to you on the other post all the same :D
